Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spirit Guides Help

Thought I would share a story today, which I am naming  Spirit Guides Help.
My husband in the past had a habit of  moving things around the house and putting them somewhere without letting me know where he had moved them. So, when I go to get an object and it is not where it should have been, I would have to ask my husband where this particuar object was moved to. It was frustrating to say the least over the years LOL. So one day, I thought, I am going to get him to understand once and for all, how it feels to Not know where an object that is needed is. So, I went around the house and found objects that I knew he would Need and would look for. I  hid 4 objects and put them in places where he would have to Really look hard to find them (So I had thought).
He was going to be going to town shortly and I knew he would need, Keys, belt, wallet, and his hairbrush.  I hid them throughout the house. ( I know, my Ego got the best of me ;) but I felt,  he had to feel what I feel to hopefully stop ;)   ). 
So, he is getting ready to go to town and cannot find his hair brush and comes to ask me if I know where it was.  I  told him I hid them on him and explained why. I then told him to take a deep breath and ask his Spirit Guide, Evelyn and see if she could help him. (How he knows his spirit guides name is for a different blog post).  Within 3 to 5 minutes, he came to me and said, he found everything. To My Total amazement! he then starts to tell me, I found my hair  brush on top of the fridge way in the back, I found the keys inside of a candle in the kitchen, I found his wallet in the office in the little cabinet on the 2nd shelf down under a bunch of papers in the back. Wow! I said, how the heck did you do that? ( My Ego again thinking,  hey that just is not fair, it defeats the whole idea of what I had intended).  He said, Thanks for the idea, Evelyn helped me out.  I  said, well you haven't found your belt yet. He said, he thought he did really well, with what he found and he will ask Evelyn later for his belt, that he didn't need it right now to go to town. LOL.
Shortly after this incident, he was looking all over the house for his needle nose pliers. he explains he has looked all over and cannot find them anywhere. I start mentioning places, i thought it may be and each place, he would say, already looked there.. yep looked there too. ... So, I said, Why don't you ask Evelyn if she knows where you put them, she helped you out before, maybe she will help you out again? To My Total amazement within minutes he  says, Found them! I said what? No Way! He comes in the office with a big smile on his face and says, he is  just as shocked as I am. he  asked Evelyn, like he did in the past. Stood there until he got an answer, which was in the livingroom, in his tool box (We were remodeling at the time so the house was a mess with tools all over lol). he said to her, they can't be there, I looked completely through the tool box and they weren't there. He then heard, "Look again." So, he did. To his amazement, when he went into the livingroom and went towards the toolbox, here is the needle nose pliers with the orange handle sticking up in plain sight. He said, he could not beleive his eyes.  He walked around saying, Thank you Evelyn, I  appreciate your help. ;) :)
She has helped him find countless items many times since then. it is totally amazing to me how he does this. I find it totally intriguing.  
So, moral of this story. Our spirit guides are delighted to help us when we ask for their help. All it takes is belief  and to quiet the mind to hear the answer from her/ him.  
If I would have taken my own advice, that I gave him, my spirit guide would have heped me find the things that he moved on me. LOL. it is always easier to come up with great ideas to help others, but when it comes to me, I didn't take my own advice.   Now, that I have experienced this and beleive that it is true, I know that I can now ask for help when needed. The whole key is belief. If you don't beleive that your spirit guide will help you, then you don't hear them when they  help.
Lesson Learned.
Thank You Eveleyn. Thank you spirit Guides.
I will share more lessons learned soon. ;)