When listening to our Digital Recordings of Chuck and I talking about How We Met and Got Together After 40 Years, we heard unexplained voices and sounds.Totally Amazing. Below you will find the 2nd Video of EVP's found.
We still have more of the recording to listen to and make into videos. I will be posting them soon. I am looking forward to listening to see if anymore EVP's show up.
When You Listen to the Video below, which is the 2nd part to our story of Finally Getting Together after 40 years. You will hear mentions of songs etc.. which I will add those videos also in this blog post. (If you have not listened to part 1, how we met, please go here: )
While making this video we heard some EVP's that were awesome!
I will upload a video with Just the sections with the EVP's later on.
Who knows maybe you also heard them when you were listening.
So Stay Tuned for the EVP's and also how Chuck's Life and Beleifs have changed since he and I have been together. Good Stuff ;)
Life is Good ;)
Note: (Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices ).
Here is our video and Below are more notes and the Songs that Chuck mentioned in the Video:
First Song Mentioned was: Sweetness by Yes This song was a song that reminded Chuck of me and he sent me an email asking me to listen to it, along with Hearts by Yes.
The song that kept reminding Chuck of Me and our time together in August 1974 was the song by Kid Rock named: All Summer Long. Whenever he heard this song on the radio he would remember me. Thank You Kid Rock. Here is the song. (released in 2008)
The next song Chuck Mentions is: And you and I Yes - Symphonic
with the Robots giving the wings to him so he can fly. See this video below:
Leave a Comment Below and Subscribe to my blog and Youtube channel for more.
After meeting Chuck in 1974 , we are finally back together after 40 years (2014). There is Hope for all. Don't Give Up, if it is meant to be, it will happen! It was a total Miracle in meeting him in August 1974. As he was not meaning to come to Minnesota , he was fishing in Michigan. Where I lived was way up by the Canadian border at the end of the road. He must have been on auto pilot ( I think his Spirit Guides/ guardian Angels were driving). I would not usually be in town, but for some reason, my parents, just happened to let me drive their car that night. (Another wonderful Miracle). In Early Summer, I had just broke up with a boyfriend of a year and half, so I was free to date again. (Reason for Breakup was a friend of mine messing around with my boyfriend). In 1978 when he called, I just happened to move back into town staying with my friend Kathy (the friend who I was with when Chuck and I first met -another coincidence) and the reason I had moved back to town was because I had just broke up with another boyfriend who was playing around with another friend of mine. Weird coincidences both time that I just happened to be free and not dating someone. In 1978, Chuck was free as the woman he was married to was playing around, so they got a divorce.
I found pictures of us, but since I don't know how to use a scanner, I took a picture of our pictures for the video. Chuck and I were taking a road trip, so why not bring the tape recorder with and talk. LOL. So, I now have made a video (with more to come) with us talking about how we met in 1974. Enjoy the video (Part 1) and Leave Comments Below. You can hear the truck and sometimes windshield wipers going but you can still hear us good.
Most Interesting Video about making : The Legend of Billy Jack with Tom Laughlin and his wife Delores Taylor. The history behind Billy Jack and what Inspired them to make the film This was most interesting. Watch this video: =============== Billy Jack (Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor interview on his 80th Birthday Warriors Part 1)
Billy Jack (Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor interview on his 80th Birthday Warriors Part 2)
Billy Jack (Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor interview on his 80th Birthday Warriors Part 3)
Coven One Tin Soldier
=============== Then I saw a video stating Tom Laughlin had passed away and that he had ran for president, which I was not aware of. ============== Here is an interview with Tom Laughlin talking about what he wanted to do if he was president. ==============
You know that Angels are Watching over us when you see things like this Huge Crash happen in Wyoming and there are NO DEATHS! According to the Wyoming Highway Patrol, 33 semi-trucks and 12 other vehicles crashed during a blizzard between Cheyenne and Larami.
I will post all the links that I have found on this crash. This is a True Miracle which you will see when you view all these videos.
The first Video I saw was on Facebook posted by: Jerry Williams Here is the Youtube Video of his:
Next I did a search on Youtube and found this Horrifying Video of the crash as it is happening. Do not watch this, if you are weak at heart. I cannot imagine seeing this unfold in front of your eyes and you cannot do anything to stop it from happening. You will hear the semi trucks crunching together , you view them traveling down the road and see them driving right into the others.
Here is another Video of the crash After it happened:
After seeing these two videos I wanted to see how many were injured.
Here is a news write up about the crash with 2 of the news updates. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=34274749 Now that you saw all those videos and read the news .......... You Know Angels were watching over ALL the people involved. Miracles are Beautiful to see happen. Watch for Miracles and Believe in Miracles. They Happen Every Day. Stay Safe Everyone Be Blessed Leave a Comment and Subscribe to my blog would love to hear from you May your troubles be less, your blessings more, and nothing but happiness comes through your door!