Monday, December 30, 2013

Seeing 333 All Day Today

Ever Since we woke up today, we have been seeing 3's.
We woke up at 3 PM :) It is Dec. 30, 2013
Actually it all started with my dream I had:
I was dreaming a dream where I was watching and observing My husband 
doing the Same thing 3 times in a row, as I watched his energy change each time. 
I was standing in the kitchen and observing. I use the word observing, because it seemed like I was not really there. Like I was in a different energy field or not in my body. My husband was letting one of our dogs out, on the way into the livingroom, he saw one of our cats and for some reason, got mad at her and yelled at her, and throw her down on the floor.  I tried to speak to him asking: What on earth is going on? It was like he did not hear me Then it starts again. I see him open the bedroom door to let our dog out, this time his energy level is a bit better but not in his heart place yet. I noticed this time that our cat was in the bedroom.  He walks half way into the livingroom with the dog and then , it goes back to the same scene.
This was very strange. Again, He goes to the bedroom door, opens it up, the dog comes out, they both start going into the livingroom, but this time, he has a lighter happier energy.  I  then, thought to myself. Wow, now this is strange,how I have observed him three times, doing the same thing, but each time, his energy got better. The First time, he was angry and aggressive. 2nd time, he was not yelling, or being mean to anyone or anything, but he had an uneasy , unsettled feel to his energy. 3rd time he was lighthearted and peaceful.  I thought is this a Multidimensional scene, that I had just witnessed?  Does this affect Time? Then all of a sudden, I felt myself in my body and woke up.  I then went inward to get a message about what I had just witnessed.  I could not get an answer, so I reached over to hold my Pink Quartz Crystal to ask again.  That is when the strangeness, continued. My husband says: Good Morning It is 3 O'clock.
I did not answer him as I was waiting for an answer.  He then reaches over and slides his hand down my arm to my hand, bumped against my crystal.  I noticed this (Only because I have a belief that a crystal is for one person and another person should not touch another person's crystal). I shrugged it off and asked the question again. He did it again.  I allowed and continued waiting for the answer. Then he did it again. Okay, now this was just too strange 3 times?   Then my mind flashed to my dream, he had done that 3 times also.   I  asked my husband, what were you doing and why did you do that 3 times? No answer.. LOL and guess what I asked him 3 times with no answer.  I really started to think this morning was starting out really strange, but I will allow to see where it will lead.  Then I grabbed my tape recorder to record my dream to remember later on all the details. Every time I started to want to tell my dream, My husband interrupted. I bet you cannot guess how many times that happened before I finally got to start to record my dream and thoughts. LOL 3 times.  Yep. But the really weird part was that I  was trying to tell him that I really would like to get this one tape, which he did not listen. he got mad at me, telling me I got up crabby... and yelled at me. I did not listen too much of what he said, I said to him, You have this all wrong,  .. he continued to get mad, I said,  You have no idea, he continued to speak madly.  Finally he stopped, and I explained, about my dream and that I want to please record it. After he let the dogs out, I was able to finally explain what was going on, as he thought I was ignoring him  in the bedroom and was crabby. LOL How the mind can tell us things, that are not true. 
I finally got my dream on the recorder and he started to understand. Pretty soon, it started again. Seeing threes as I started doing work on the internet.
One was from a friend Paul:
A friend, Paul, left a message to our Google page , Our spirits Talk:
Dear ourspirittalks, 
Thanks and the High Council of Orion already know about your feelings. 
May 2014 be more wondrous than your best dreams. 
<3 <3 <3
Now as I am typing this my husband decided to go make the cheese cake for New years Eve Supper. He was going to make one blue berry and one Cherry. Now you know where I am going with this.. He comes into the office and says: Where is that Hersheys, Chocolate Spread you won with Klout?  So, I told him and I said, why? he said, Looks like we will have 3 cheese cakes. LOL Just too cute. 

So I thought I would check to see what this means and here it is: 

"This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have." ~ Spiritual Path: Numerology 

"333 is the sign that the ascended masters are working closely with you. You have called on them and they have heard your prayer. If you are seeing this number repeatedly on clocks or license plates it is a sign that the the highest of beings are around you now." ~ Free Psychic Insight: 333 Numerology 

"The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda." ~ Lightworkers: Number and Number Sequence Meanings 

This was found at the this link

So what I'd like to know is . . . how many of you are experiencing the same thing and how long have you been experiencing it?

Now this is really awesome as I also had insight today about who we have been speaking to on our spirit box sessions and more on our life purpose. Which are stated above, Ascended Masters. I guess it is time to do another session tonight  to see what they have to say to us. I am so grateful and so blessed.

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