Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wow, What an Important Message Full of Wisdom! A Must Read!

I Feel that this Video is Very Important and wanted to write My Thoughts of what I interpreted was being said. This is such a short video but Jammed Packed with Wisdom! Please Watch My Video and  Read My Interpretation also Below. I Would Love to hear your Comments. You Will Also find the Video I am speaking about Below, so You can Also Watch it. 

My Interpretations were on the Video Below.
My Thoughts:
The Words From the Video Will Be In Red from now On and My Interpretation will Follow in Black Type.

it is an important Message to Americans, for us to wake up and See the Truth. We are thinking thoughts that are directing our lives to a different future. Our Thoughts and Beliefs about things, determines our outcomes in our lives.
We, as Americans, need to pay attention to Our Thoughts! 
Are they positive, will having this thought give me the outcome I want? Does this Belief serve me and my future?

We should  Not ONLY  Learn to Love ourselves and others, but Learn to REALLY Love Our Lives. Truly Love Our Lives at all times. Truly enjoy and Love Living.

They said that A Big Improvement is Needed, for Our physical Existence. Release our Fears of Our Purpose. 
What is our purpose? Is it to LOVE Living? That would make sense as they said: Improvement needed for our physical existence. 

The next Part: They are Winning the Spiritual Race. You've Got to Love Hope.  Again, I  think they are saying REALLY Love the feeling You have Deep Inside, the peace that you feel, the happiness you feel, when You have Hope.  Have Your Thoughts Always Hoping for a Good Future and Focus Only on thinking Positive Outcomes. Positive thoughts which is Hope.  Really Love  Hope. Get so used to Feeling these thoughts, that You will not let negative thoughts or Beliefs come to your mind.  keep Hoping.

The next Part: Love Forever, for keeping Your Body! DO IT! 
This to me is meaning Love every day you are alive. Beyond that, Love the Word, Forever. Live Your Life Loving it so much, you are focused on Loving and Living Forever. No Limits on Your Life.
So, Love Forever, for keeping Your Body!

Recap of what they said: They are winning the spiritual race. You've Got to Love Hope. Love Forever, for keeping Your Body. Do It. 
My interpretation is: People are dying younger, not living very long.  They  want us to improve our thoughts and Love Being Alive, Love Living Our Lives. No Fears! 

They go on to say: We Care About You. Freedom From Death. 
 I have heard there messages and Freedom is releasing Fears, and Old Beliefs, Finding Peace, Hope, Love. Find Inner Peace, Release Bad memories and Be Grateful for Your Life Now! They have said, Start Each Morning as  a New Script, a new Beginning. Wake Up with Love and Be Grateful. That is Freedom! 
If You have a Fear, or Belief, that You are going to Die as soon as you retire or at  80 years old and Fear getting Cancer. That is what You will die from, Cancer at an Early Age.  So they want Us to Have Freedom  from Death. Release the Fears and Old Beliefs!

There next sentence is: Stop Talking and Thinking About Death. Live Spiritual.  
Start Writing a Better Script to Your life. Start Talking and Thinking about LIVING!  Start to Love Living, set the desire that You Love Life so much, you want to Live Forever! Have the Freedom to Allow Your Life to be Lived with purpose, with Love and Hope. Be Free from Old Beliefs and Fears.  Again Love Living!

In The Video it goes on to say: Get Back Up!  Again, Every Morning is a Start of a new Day, A new Life, A New Future! Write Your Script , so what if You Fell, Pick Yourself Up and Move Forward to a Good, Positive Direction!

 Get Back Up! Think Spiritual!  All Things are possible, Just Allow!

Next Sentence:
Remember: What You Want is What You are Going to Get!
Again, they are speaking about YOUR THOUGHTS, Your Beliefs, Releasing Your Fears and Live with Love, Hope, Positive Thoughts. Say What You REALLY Want, Think Thoughts that are  Truth of what You Want.  Turn Your thoughts that are negative Around so You DO Get Your Dreams,and your happiness. 

Next part:
We have Given Americans. We Have Gave Them  Positive Thinking and Being Open. We Gave Them a Miracle to Live. We Gave Them A Miracle to Live and Hope, for those who need it.
Which means to me:  For those who are  Currently not thinking and Speaking Truth of what they Really Want, Controlling their thoughts to this, they are sending a message of Hope, and Love to You, a Miracle, if You hear it, You can turn Your Lives Around. Accept the Gift. Accept the Miracle and Live with Love of Your Body and want to Live Forever. 
With Your Thoughts, Direct Your Life as You Want it, with Love. Allow the miracles to Happen.

Re-train the Brain. Pay Attention to what You are Thinking and Allowing to be Spoken.  If you hear your thoughts of an Old Belief that is not going to get you to where you want to go, Change the Belief to a new One!  
Live Loving your Life and have a new Belief to Live Forever. Allow Your Life Purpose to happen!

Wow, What a Message with So Much Wisdom!
Your Thoughts?

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