Commissioner says they only want to release the STILL SHOTS of what happened to the police officer. WHY? Well you put it all together yourself!
Open your eyes America...... something is going on here and it is NOT what the media is saying!
Always do more investigating than what you Just see on the news media channels on TV.
If you have not watched the news and know what this article is about, Feel free to watch the Video below. Then READ what else I have below and the pictures. Then leave a comment and let me know then what you think.
At 18:58 in the video above: He is asked about witnesses: police Commissioner says no witnesses, no one else around, but you can clearly see a black Vehicle directly behind the police car!
In the Still shots he is showing the media!

Black vehicle Behind the police car that got shot
Plus if you watch the video below which is RAW footage of the shooting you will see MORE! Watch the Video and READ Below.
This is the Raw Footage of the Police officer being
shot...... during All the news media they showed STILL
shots making it look more dramatic !
The police said 13 shots fired, and also said 11 shots
with the shooters arm inside the police car! 11 shots
they said.... watch this video Above! This All happened
Way to fast for 11 shots ...... but when you see the still
shots you can visualize it happening ....... but when you
see this video that the media is NOT putting out to the
public do you think it could have happened that quicly of 11 shots .....?
Also during the interview with the commissioner he
states their were no witnesses..... but if you pay attention
to the Still shots they are showing there is a Black
vehicle right behind the police car! I would say that
would be a witness......... not to mention........ this Raw
Footage is being taken of the incident... how did they
know to have their video camera going to tape this right then?
shot...... during All the news media they showed STILL
shots making it look more dramatic !
The police said 13 shots fired, and also said 11 shots
with the shooters arm inside the police car! 11 shots
they said.... watch this video Above! This All happened
Way to fast for 11 shots ...... but when you see the still
shots you can visualize it happening ....... but when you
see this video that the media is NOT putting out to the
public do you think it could have happened that quicly of 11 shots .....?
Also during the interview with the commissioner he
states their were no witnesses..... but if you pay attention
to the Still shots they are showing there is a Black
vehicle right behind the police car! I would say that
would be a witness......... not to mention........ this Raw
Footage is being taken of the incident... how did they
know to have their video camera going to tape this right then?
Don't you hear a TV going or something in the background?
At the end sounds like someone says: We got it.??
At the end sounds like someone says: We got it.??
ALSO Pay Close Attention to the RAW footage Again and keep an eye on the Right Hand side of the video on the sidewalk. You will see someone walking , then hears or sees what is going on and Slips behind that rock flower holder wall thing. to hide! See picture Below as to where to look in the RAW footage again! Pay Attention! There is another Witness to this shooting!

WATCH this Raw Footage Again and See if you can see this person who hides there! Put it on Full Screen if you need to see it....... it is plain as Day ! Why did the police NOT see that?
Still shot media has all over the place stating officer being shot 11 times....... but when you watch the video it all happened so quickly Again what do you think?

With all this stuff in the media about Muslims and ISIS and gun control.......... gun violence......
ETC ETC ETC.............. Trying to promote FEAR into everyone...............
Then this happens............ and the TRUTH IS NOT being told in the media as you can clearly see from above stated............ what do you think?
This is All I am going to say right now............ as I know you are a wise person and You can figure it out.
Be Blessed........ Stay in your heart place and Remove Fear! Keep thinking of what you DO WANT
in your lives, Stay Focused on Positive Thoughts and Keep HOPE Alive!
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