I have seen many people on you-tube doing a 30 Day Challenge and I have thought several times what I would talk about in a video each day for 30 days. I was laying in bed tonight and it hit me!
How about a 30-Day-Ghost-Story-Challenge? Are you Up for the Challenge? Using hashtage: #30dayghoststorychallenge
So, I am going to do an outline below and See if I could make it for 30 Days. This is just notes so later it will refresh my memory of a video I could do next. They may not be in this same order but it will give me an outline to work with.
Okay, let's see what I can do:
1. Spirits in our house Daily in Lebanon, Indiana
2. The Ghost in the Best Western Motel in Wisconsin Dells
3. The Guy Staring at me through our Office Window with a Parka On.
4. Things flying around our house -Toilet paper, knife, spoon, gas stove turning on, water running etc...
5. After our 3 dogs died, and what Pal used to do........... to show us they were visiting us? Spirit rising above Champion
6. 1st house boxes falling down , Byron's experience in that bedroom,.
7. Mary's experiences in that house - IN
8. Native American Girl appearing at least 5 days a week for about a year.
9. Lady with white shirt, white or blonde hair and no legs
10. Neighbor Lady - Daisy visiting her home while during a Coma
11. My Father coming to me in 2 dreams after he passed away.
12. Dad's Vacuum Cleaner turning on by itself - then catching a mouse lol...
13. Seeing My Mother After she passed away and her presence waking me every morning at 6:20 AM
14. The Guy with the Black Eyes and Long Hair at Lisa's and then coming back and Peeking through our office window.(could be 2 videos)
15. First Time Father's touch tone lamp came on in Warroad and 12 1/2 hours before Mother Passed away. Then at the same time Mike Brunk died, and a short time before Dusty Passed away.
16. The first time Mother's Touch Tone Lamp came on for my Birthday and she touched my hair........ etc.
17. The Day Father Passed away and the day my Mother Passed Away what happened
18. The night Byron saw My Mother and I saw my Father.
19. The Day Byron and I saw Jason running
20. Byron appearing to me the Day he passed away
21. 5 Days after he passed ..........what happened. and then 7 Days after he passed when we picked up his Ashes.
22. paper clip, feathers, change, pine cones
23. EVP's driving to Duluth and again after a session.
24. Spirits appear during a skype call with Charles
25. The Ghost at Kmart lol (Byron and I talked about this, will look to see if I can find the recording of it -as I don't think I made a video of it).
26. Christmas Tree lights coming on since Byron passed away and lights coming on 21 times in 3 months.
27. The Day m family had a small memorial for Byron
28. Seeing Sheeba, and Dusty after they passed away. Charles seeing cats here.
29. 3 Days after Bauser passed away. then a few months later when Byron saw him.
30. The experiments: phone, connecting with a different country, a son in UK........ a twin brother, and a mother and an Arch Angel David .
Well it appears that I can make it 30 days. LOL and I bet I could do more.
This is a start of a series of videos anyhow.
I wanted to do something unique and interesting.
What do you think? Would you be interesting in hearing these?
Would you take the 30 Day Challenge?
Do you have experiences to share?
Leave a comment Below.
Subscribe to my you-tube channel and follow this blog
for updates. https://www.youtube.com/user/deewestcott
Have a Wonderful week.
Use this hashtag to do the challenge and also message me so I can watch them, if you do the challenge also.
If you would be interested in seeing them - also use the hashtag so I know you are interested.
A personal Side of Me. Whatever I find interesting Online. Things of interest to me, Personally.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Friday, January 8, 2016
NO Witnesses? YES there WAS! Watch these videos and SEE!
Something Fishy going on but what?
Commissioner says they only want to release the STILL SHOTS of what happened to the police officer. WHY? Well you put it all together yourself!
Open your eyes America...... something is going on here and it is NOT what the media is saying!
Always do more investigating than what you Just see on the news media channels on TV.
If you have not watched the news and know what this article is about, Feel free to watch the Video below. Then READ what else I have below and the pictures. Then leave a comment and let me know then what you think.
At 18:58 in the video above: He is asked about witnesses: police Commissioner says no witnesses, no one else around, but you can clearly see a black Vehicle directly behind the police car!
In the Still shots he is showing the media!

Black vehicle Behind the police car that got shot
Plus if you watch the video below which is RAW footage of the shooting you will see MORE! Watch the Video and READ Below.

WATCH this Raw Footage Again and See if you can see this person who hides there! Put it on Full Screen if you need to see it....... it is plain as Day ! Why did the police NOT see that?
Still shot media has all over the place stating officer being shot 11 times....... but when you watch the video it all happened so quickly Again what do you think?

With all this stuff in the media about Muslims and ISIS and gun control.......... gun violence......
ETC ETC ETC.............. Trying to promote FEAR into everyone...............
Then this happens............ and the TRUTH IS NOT being told in the media as you can clearly see from above stated............ what do you think?
This is All I am going to say right now............ as I know you are a wise person and You can figure it out.
Be Blessed........ Stay in your heart place and Remove Fear! Keep thinking of what you DO WANT
in your lives, Stay Focused on Positive Thoughts and Keep HOPE Alive!
Commissioner says they only want to release the STILL SHOTS of what happened to the police officer. WHY? Well you put it all together yourself!
Open your eyes America...... something is going on here and it is NOT what the media is saying!
Always do more investigating than what you Just see on the news media channels on TV.
If you have not watched the news and know what this article is about, Feel free to watch the Video below. Then READ what else I have below and the pictures. Then leave a comment and let me know then what you think.
At 18:58 in the video above: He is asked about witnesses: police Commissioner says no witnesses, no one else around, but you can clearly see a black Vehicle directly behind the police car!
In the Still shots he is showing the media!

Black vehicle Behind the police car that got shot
Plus if you watch the video below which is RAW footage of the shooting you will see MORE! Watch the Video and READ Below.
This is the Raw Footage of the Police officer being
shot...... during All the news media they showed STILL
shots making it look more dramatic !
The police said 13 shots fired, and also said 11 shots
with the shooters arm inside the police car! 11 shots
they said.... watch this video Above! This All happened
Way to fast for 11 shots ...... but when you see the still
shots you can visualize it happening ....... but when you
see this video that the media is NOT putting out to the
public do you think it could have happened that quicly of 11 shots .....?
Also during the interview with the commissioner he
states their were no witnesses..... but if you pay attention
to the Still shots they are showing there is a Black
vehicle right behind the police car! I would say that
would be a witness......... not to mention........ this Raw
Footage is being taken of the incident... how did they
know to have their video camera going to tape this right then?
shot...... during All the news media they showed STILL
shots making it look more dramatic !
The police said 13 shots fired, and also said 11 shots
with the shooters arm inside the police car! 11 shots
they said.... watch this video Above! This All happened
Way to fast for 11 shots ...... but when you see the still
shots you can visualize it happening ....... but when you
see this video that the media is NOT putting out to the
public do you think it could have happened that quicly of 11 shots .....?
Also during the interview with the commissioner he
states their were no witnesses..... but if you pay attention
to the Still shots they are showing there is a Black
vehicle right behind the police car! I would say that
would be a witness......... not to mention........ this Raw
Footage is being taken of the incident... how did they
know to have their video camera going to tape this right then?
Don't you hear a TV going or something in the background?
At the end sounds like someone says: We got it.??
At the end sounds like someone says: We got it.??
ALSO Pay Close Attention to the RAW footage Again and keep an eye on the Right Hand side of the video on the sidewalk. You will see someone walking , then hears or sees what is going on and Slips behind that rock flower holder wall thing. to hide! See picture Below as to where to look in the RAW footage again! Pay Attention! There is another Witness to this shooting!

WATCH this Raw Footage Again and See if you can see this person who hides there! Put it on Full Screen if you need to see it....... it is plain as Day ! Why did the police NOT see that?
Still shot media has all over the place stating officer being shot 11 times....... but when you watch the video it all happened so quickly Again what do you think?

With all this stuff in the media about Muslims and ISIS and gun control.......... gun violence......
ETC ETC ETC.............. Trying to promote FEAR into everyone...............
Then this happens............ and the TRUTH IS NOT being told in the media as you can clearly see from above stated............ what do you think?
This is All I am going to say right now............ as I know you are a wise person and You can figure it out.
Be Blessed........ Stay in your heart place and Remove Fear! Keep thinking of what you DO WANT
in your lives, Stay Focused on Positive Thoughts and Keep HOPE Alive!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Video series I am watching and starting to share.
For so many years, I have been searching for a church that taught how I felt. In search of what Religion I was. I seriously started searching online in 1999. Taking tests of what religion are you . It seemed like I was a heinz 57. They would have a long list of all these religions that questions they asked me on the test and my answers, matched all these different religions. How on earth can that be?
I then started to meditate to connect with my higher self or my spirit guides. Studying how to connect with my guides, hoping that I would find some answers. Seek and you shall receive.
I feel it is time for me to start keeping a blog of my experiences throughout the years, so many beautiful blessings which was pointing me to the direction to my path, and to the answers that I seek.
Watch for my blog posts and videos regarding these experiences coming soon. As I go within and speak from my soul and share. I am truly blessed. I am hoping that with my sharing , that others will find hope and also not feel so alone if they are also experiencing the same synchronicity in their lives.
The other day I was talking to Chuck about why the things that I know as truth and have been told to me by my guides is not being taught in churches. It seemed to me that churches always taught fear. When Jesus says: "Do Not Fear".
It seemed by listening to others who said they were Christians
they feel they have no control over their lives and that Life happened to them and when things terrible happened in their lives they would blame God, or be angry with God , questioning why these things were happening to them or in their lives.
I of course feel completely different as you will see in the blogs and videos ahead. So stay tuned, make sure you subscribe to this blog and my youtube channel for all updates. I welcome comments from others and would love for you to share your ideas also.
Talking about Synchronicity of life...... as so many other times in my life, I ask about something , have a question, then the answers appear to me some way either in youtube video, Facebook posts, people talking to me in my life, dreams I have, and so many other ways. Yesterday I came across this youtube channel of Hidden Meanings in the Bible that churches won't tell you that I have found very interesting.
So far while listening to many of his videos, of what he teaches is the closest to how I feel the meanings are saying.
I do not agree completely with what he says in all of his videos
but what he says is more to what I feel which no church has taught me. It has only been searching and learning and going within that I have been finding more of the answers to my questions.
Take a listen to the video below, this is his introduction video to his channel.
Studying Hidden Meanings in the Bible
1 Hidden Meanings
1A Hidden Meanings In Bible
2 Driving Out Money Changers
Great Videos. I will do another blog post regarding my thoughts about these videos.
Leave your comments below as to your thoughts.
I really think that he should have a group online with discussions for his teachings.
I think that it would be very good for people to have such a place. Whether it be in Facebook or Google or even a private membership inside his website.
I am really considering starting a group where like minded people can talk among themselves and share their thoughts and experiences.
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