Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oh My gosh, I wrote things into my existence!

Yesterday, October 19, 2013, was my mother's birthday. She has been passed away since, June 2, 2011.  If you listened to my last video, (Click here) about a beautiful gift that I received that changed my life, August 2011, then You will know that I wanted to say Happy Birthday to my Mother and see if I could hear her voice. So, I of course, did a spirit box session, singing Happy Birthday to her. After the session, I  thought, wow, this is something, this all started by a simple light being turned on years ago for my parents.  (To know what I am speaking about here, see this video). 

Just then I thought Light bulb being turned on. I laughed and said, yes, it sure is a light bulb turning on to my brain, waking me up to other beliefs that I did not have previously. Stay with me here. :)
Next I thought Oh My goodness, I love Synchronicity in my life. Just then a thought came to me. In November of 2005, I had a dream, that was recurring  dream for about a week.  Every day, this word would show up in my dream. I would put a pace of paper and pen next to my bed, so that I could start to write the word down,. it ended up being the word: Synchronize. At the time, I was opening safe lists up and thought, maybe it was a message for me to open a site up with that name. So I  started a site called Synchronize Your Ads. 
(Please see the definitions of Synchronize Below). Little did I know that this word would mean something far more to me in 2011 , 2012, 2013 and beyond.

Then i thought, Oh My Goodness, I remember another Dream I had with my Father Talking to me on a cell phone. I wrote it down in an old journal I had. So I ran to my computer to find this Dream. I had written in my blog, February 20, 2004.  I was blown away! I had a journal called: Growing Spiritually Within – My Journey. Wow, I had forgotten all about this blog, I should have been writing in here all along. I more than likely would have had a lot more synchronicity in my life documented if I had. 

In 2004, I had been working on trying to connect with my Spirit Guides and listening to audio books from Doreen Virtue and Sylvia Browne. I had done the things in their books and still thinking nothing was working. Then, I had a beautiful dream with me talking to my Father on the Cell phone. This is the blog post. 
Note: My Dad passed Away December 9, 2002, This Dream was 2004.

Friday, February 20, 2004
I had a dream last night and I have to write down notes on this dream:
In my dream, my cell phone rang, I answered it and it was my Father’s voice.
I said: Dad?
He said What is your chief goal right now?
I thought and thought and said: To be able to communicate with the Angels.
He said: Yes, that is right.
I said: Oh My God, Dad, you did it, you are so smart, I am so proud of you!
You did it, wow, is this how I can communicate with my sprit guide, my Guardian Angels?
He laughed (oh How I miss that laugh of his, it seemed just so real, it was so good to hear him laugh again)
He said: Yes
I said: But Dad, I am talking to you on the Cell phone?
Then in my dream I reached over for a mini hand held tape recorder , put a tape in and pushed record, saying wow Dad no one will ever believe that I am really talking to you on the cell phone.

Did you turn on my light in my bed room once in awhile to say hello?
He said: Yes
I said, what about Mom and Gordy?
He said Yes, it was me.
I said, I thought it was, I will tell them

I said: How will I know that it is my Guardian Angels, or Spirit Guides that are trying to talk to me?
He said: you will know, you will feel it, you will know what is true.

I said: What if my cell phone dies, can you still talk to me?
He said: This is a dream.
I said: What? A dream?
He said: yes, you will hear what you need to hear in your dreams.
I said: But Dad, I don’t always understand my dreams
He said: You will hear them in other ways too, you will know.

The dogs started barking and woke me up.
didn't even get a chance to tell him, I love him, and I miss him, even though I know that he knows it. I hope he comes to me, in my dream again.

Last night, before I went to sleep, I prayed that :
When the Angels spoke to me, that I would be able to understand them that I would not forget what they said. I asked for their help for me to find the way to hear them.

My prayers were answered. 
End of Post
Was he telling me something? He Sure Was! It came true, in more ways then I could even imagine.  I get messages now, from my spirit guides during the night. If I have a question about something, I dream the answer during the night. Or when I wake up the next morning, a video is up on my computer with the answer. It is so awesome. I am so blessed. 

Another thought that came to my mind was a few months after he had passed away. My Mother had gone to church. When she came home, the answering machine was flashing, that there was a message. When she pushed play to hear the message, she was totally amazed. it was an OLD message of my Father and I talking together. I had called him the summer before he passed away. Mom was gone and he was home alone. The answering machine had picked up before he had answered the phone, so what we said, was on the answering machine until the machine kicked off.  This was the message. In this message, Dad is saying he was doing fine and he was okay.  The rest of the message we were talking about what he had eaten and talking about left overs.
 I then told Mom to record the message on her tape recorder and send me the message. We would then have this miracle on tape and we could listen to his voice when we got lonesome for him. She did. 
Right before she passed away, I took her tape recorder home, played the cassette tape and recorded it on my digital recorder and made a video of the recording to preserve it forever. I am glad I did. 
In the video below You will hear the message. (If it does not show up it is also uploaded on my Flicker Account Here

So, to end this post. Pay attention to what happens in your life. Keep a diary or blog posts of events that happen in your life so you can refer back to them. As it just might show up being something very significant into your life.

Share if anything like this has happened to you. Would love to hear about them

Be Blessed

Searching for the Definition
First  Search: 
syn·chro·nize  [sing-kruh-nahyz]  Show IPA verb, syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing.
verb (used with object)
to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches.
to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.
Movies, Television.
to cause (sound and action) to match precisely: to synchronize the sound of footsteps with the actor's movements.
to match the sound and action in (a scene).
to cause to agree in time of occurrence; assign to the same time or period, as in a history.
to adjust the periodicities of (two or more electrical or mechanical devices) so that the periods are equal or integral multiples or fractions of each other.
Definition of synchronize (v)
Bing Dictionary
syn·chro·nize[ síngkrə nz ]
make things work at same time: to make something work at the same time or the same rate as something else
set watches to same time: to set timepieces to indicate the same time as each other
go together: to go or work together or in unison
Synonyms: harmonize · coordinate · orchestrate · bring into line · match


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