When I was young, I heard about this Native American man who lived to be over 120 years old...... I always said, I want to live as long as Kakaygeesick. Today I looked to see when he passed away and see if I could find out information on him. I found him! Information is below:
John “Everlasting Sky” Kakaygeesick
BIRTH 14 May 1844
DEATH 6 Dec 1968 (aged 124)
Indian Burial Grounds
Warroad, Roseau County, Minnesota, USA
MEMORIAL ID 47718188 · View Source
Ojibwe spiritual leader and trapper who reportedly lived for more than 124 years. His name is also sometimes spelled as "Kakagesick." He was believed to be at least 110 at the time of his death. A birth record gave his year of birth as 1844, but the full birth date was not given. Local officials selected his "official" birthday as May 14.
In 1914, he and other Ojibwes in the Warroad area were granted 215 acres of land by President Theodore Roosevelt. His grandson Don Kakaygeesick now has the original land patent signed by Roosevelt.
He was buried on traditional Indian burial grounds along the Ka-Beck-A-Nung Trail by the Warroad River. The grounds are on private property. The spirit house remains over his grave; three other houses are nearby.