Sunday, December 27, 2015

Our Tree of Love 2015

Our Tree of Love 2015

Since our Tree is up all year long we decided to ca it our 
"Tree of Love". Also, Since Byron bought the tree Christmas before he passed away and the lights on the tree come on with no one in the room. We figure it is him turning on the lights letting us know he is visiting. This has happened since he left his body and joined the spirit world. 

We have decorated the tree with Angels, Butterflies, Bells and the word Joy. 

Love our Beautiful Tree and decided to share it. 

Lights on Our Tree of Love  has came on quite a few times since March 3rd, 2014 and we are truly blessed and Grateful each time it does. 

Sending lots of Love and Light to everyone. 

Be Blessed

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Our Beautiful 13 Year Old Goldfish (Goldie) and Her New Tank

I finally ordered our Goldie a 10 Gallon Tank YAY

we also bought new rocks for the bottom, a new air bubble blower lol, and some 

pretty plants to go inside. She is loving it.

Her birthday is in December , or at least when we got her , so that is when we celebrate her birthday. She is 5 1/2 inches long and 13 years old.

She is so Beautiful. We love her as a pet. 

She has given us so much joy and relaxation watching her over the years.

Oh yes, and we bought an 8 inch fish net finally so we know she will not

get hurt when we take her out of the tank to clean her water.

Got all the new things on Amazon.

Hope you enjoyed our little video

Do you have a Gold Fish? how old did he/she get?

Leave a comment below

have a Great Week