Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dog Thefts Up 49 Percent

Dog Thefts Up 49 Percent

Dog Thefts Up 49 Percent

Pass it on
Make Sure You Watch
'Miracle Dog' Survives Gas Chamber
Click Here to View the video!

Amazing Story about a Dog a Must Watch

'Miracle Dog' Survives Gas Chamber

'Miracle Dog' Survives Gas Chamber

Plus Watch this Video

Dog Thefts Up 49 Percent

Click here to Watch

The Night Before Halloween - Gate Night

The Night Before Halloween - Gate Night -Have You Heard of it?

Here in the Midwest where I live, the Night Before Halloween (October 30th) is Called Gate Night.
In Michigan it is Called: Devil's Night or in some places: Mischief NightWhat is it called where you live? I am interested to hear.

In local stores, they will not sell anyone under 18 years of age, within the week prior to Halloween, eggs toilet paper, or soap, with out a parents permission. Even then they may refuse selling these products to the minor.
Why? Due to Eggs being thrown at houses, fences, and cars the night before Halloween.
Toilet paper being thrown up in trees. People wake up on October 31st with their trees completely filled with toilet paper. Sometimes Flat tires or soaped windows on their vehicles, if they are parked outside.
House For Sale Signs moved from one yard to another neighbors yard.
Political signs are moved around amongst neighbors yards.  Which if you are a Republican and a sign promoting others to vote Democrat is in your yard .. it does not make you very happy or visa versa.
Or wake up and find a House For Sale sign in your yard when the neighbor down the street is missing his sign. It gets a little chaotic for the next few days until every sign gets placed back in the proper neighbors yard. Toilet Paper taken down from the trees, or a good rain makes it fall from the limbs.
People need to wash their cars, houses or fences and wash the egg from them.

I was thinking, when did this all begin? why did it start?
Why was it called Gate Night to begin with?
I was never really clear on this, I just saw the repercussions of what happened because of it.
It made me think of all these questions, now that I am living in Town again instead of out in the country.
We didn't get much action out in the rural area, thank Goodness! But the people in town do.
So, will I wake up to Toilet paper, or have to wash my car, house, or garage?
Will our car have a flat tire? Or waxed windows?
I remember when I was a kid, I would hear the stories, of  things being done to the principals house, or a teacher some kids didn't like. 
Why would kids do this? how did THEY Learn of this behavior? Who taught it to them??
Makes a person think about  things doesn't it?

The police are usually out enforcing curfew hours and patroling as many streets as they can. Plus Neighborhood Watch Volentees are on the Look out Ocbotber 30th for anyone that looks suspeicious.

I did a search for the origin or history of Gate Night. I found this:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mischief night or Gate night (also known as Devil's Night, Goosey Night, Cabbage Night and Mizzy Night in some areas) is an annual tradition in parts of England, Canada, and the United States; a night when the custom is for people (primarily teenagers and preteens) to take a degree of license to play pranks and do mischief to their neighbors. The most common date for mischief night is October 30, the day before Halloween.

Very Interesting Article regarding the History and the Terrible Effects that this night has had in Many Cities in the past that I was not aware of: Here

Had You heard of Gate Night Before?
Have You Experienced any of the reproscussions of it?

Hope you all have a Safe Night and Wonderful Weekend

Another Related Story Here

Other Ralted topics I found in my search:

I also found something on the History Channel regarding the origin of Holloween: Here

The origin and history of  Halloween Here

Monday, October 17, 2011

Relationship Stressors

Relationship Stressors by Tony & Sage Robbins (Part 1)

Relationship Stressors by Tony & Sage Robbins (Part 2)

Tony & Sage Robbins: Relationship Stressors (Part 2-end)

Tony Robbins & Sage Robbins - Relationships

Tony Robbins & Sage Robbins - Relationship Video - 1

Relationship Stressors by Tony & Sage Robbins (Part 2)

Great Advice 
Great Videos

Friday, October 14, 2011

Awesome Video and story

Author Kim Malchuk - Tasting Rain

Read a Blog Post Here about her

South Spin Technique for Pop

South Spin Technique for Pop
By Dr Decharge

Pictures to Demonstrate the Technique
To view the Video about what this is all about Read my Blog Post Here

South Spin Technique Chart

South Spin Technique Chart by deewest2011
South Spin Technique Chart, a photo by deewest2011 on Flickr.
South Spin Technique Chart
By Dr Decharge

Pictures to Demonstrate the Technique
To view the Video about what this is all about Read my Blog Post Here

South Spin Technique

South Spin Technique by deewest2011
South Spin Technique, a photo by deewest2011 on Flickr.
South Spin Technique
By Dr Decharge

Pictures to Demonstrate the Technique
To view the Video about what this is all about Read my Blog Post Here

Could it Really be this Easy? Interesting Videos

A New Cure for Cancer

Could it Really be this Easy?
I did try this with my pop and it worked! ;)
Pretty interesting how that would happen ;)

A New Cure for Cancer and Everything Else

Every 7 years we have Cellular Replacement

Goal: South Spin All Liquids for 30 Days and See 
What difference it makes as to  how I feel.
See if  I can even loose some weight.
I will keep you posted.

A new cure for cancer - lesson 3

Interesting Videos 

For Pictures of How to Do the South Spin Technique 
South Spin Technique Chart

South Spin Technique

South Spin Technique for Pop

I tried this and it does take the Fizz out of the Pop!

Have a Blessed Day

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Video: Today is Your Day ~lyrics~

What a Beautiful and Inspirational Song from Shania Twain
I Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Shania Twain - "Today Is Your Day"

Lyrics found from Here
You got what it takes you can win...

You got what it takes you can win
Today is your day to begin
Don’t give up here, don't you quit
The moment is now, this is it
I know that you can, then you will
Get to the top of the hill
Part of the fun is the climb
You just gotta make up your mind

That today is your day
And nothing can stand in your way
Today is your day
Everything’s goin’ your way

Today, today, today, today

When somebody throws sticks and stones
All they can break are your bones
And life's gonna kick around
Then kick you again when your down

But today is your day
And nothing can stand in your way
Today is your day
Everything’s goin’ your way

Today, today, today, today

Life's goin' to kick you
It's goin' to kick you around
It's goin' to kick you down

Dust yourself off, no regrets
This is as good as it gets
Don't expect more, or less
Just go out and give it your best

Today is your day
And nothing can stand in your way
Today is your day
Everything’s goin’ your way

Today, today, today, today

Today is your day....


Hope you enjoyed listening to this song
Best Wishes

Shania Twain Today Is Your Day lyrics found on